Hallo my friends. Now in this writing i will try to help you to understand the kind of text i ever studied at Senior High School. There are five kinds of text. Here are: Report Text, Narrative, Analytical Exposition, Spoof, and Hortatory Exposition
Knowing the kind of text is important, especially when you want to face the english exam: to answer the question, and for make the text in english. So, you need to understand what is it’s function, generic structure, and Significant lexicogramatical features . Well, let’s check this out! 

Report Text 
 - Social Function: to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange of natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.
- Generic Structure 1. General Classification : Tells what the phenomenon under discussion is 2. Description : tels what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of parts, qualities, habbits of behavior; if living; uses if non natural 3. Conclusion 
- Significant lexicogramatical features: 1. Focus on generic participants 2. Use of relational processes to state what is and that which it is 3. Use of Simple Present Tense (unless extinct) 4. No temporal sequence (rangkaian sementara) 
*** pada intinya, saya simpulkan report teks ini hampir menyerupai teks deskripsi atau description text. Hanya saja bedanya untuk report menggambarkan benda atau sesuatu yang lebih khusus tidak se-umum teks deskripsi. Pada paragraf pertama untuk general classification kata guru saya: buatkan semenarik mungkin yang dapat menyamungkannya ke dalam isi deskripsi paragraf ke dua. Namanya: eye-cathcing. (^^) 

Narrative Text 
- Social Function : to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways. Narratives deal with probleatic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. 
- Generic Stucture : 1. Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants 2. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight 3. Complication : a crisis arises 4. Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse 5. Re-orientation : optional 
- Significant lexicogramatical features 
1. Focus on specific and usually individualized participants 2. Use of material processes 3. Use of relational and mental processes 4. Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal circumstances (keadaan sementara) 5. Use Past Tense  

Analytical Exposition 
- Social Function : to persuade the reader or listener that something is in the case 
- Generic Structure: 1. Thesis Position : introduces topic and indicates writer’s Preview : Outlines the main arguments to be presented 2. Arguments Point : Restates main arguments outlines in preview Elaboration: Develops and supports each point 3. Reiretarion:Restates writer’s position 
- Signipicant lexicog
1. focus on generic human and non human participants 2. Use of simple present tense 3. Use of relational processes 4. Use of internal conjunction to state argument 5. Reasoning through casual conjuction or nominalization.

- Social Function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining 
- Generic Sturcture : 1. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants 2. Events : tell what happened, in what sequence 3. Twist (Re-orientation) : optional-closure of events 
- Significant Lexicogramatical 
1. Focus on specific participants. 2. Use of material processes 3. Circumstances of time and place 4. Use of Simple Past Tense 5. Focus n temporal sequence 
buat contoh spoof teks silahkan baca yang ini nih (How to thank you mom?)

Hortatory Exposition 
- Social Function : To persuade the reader or listener that something should or shouldn’t be the case 
- Generic Stucture: 1. Thesis : Announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments: Reasons for concern, leading to recommendation 3. Recommendation: Statement of wat ought (mesti) or ought not happen 
- Significant lexicogramatical features 
1. Focus on generic human and non-human participants except for speaker or writer referring to self 2. Use of: - Mental processes to state what writer thinks or feel about issue, e.g realized, fell, apreciate; - Material processes, to state what happens e.g is polluting, drive, travel, spend, should be treated; - Relational processes; to state what is or should be e.g doesn’t seem, to have been, is; - Simple Present Tense


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